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Everything posted by wazza

  1. Ranger/Archerfish/Damo, finally got down to that way this morning, mainly to help a good mate that has never been Cockling. Went to the area you guys suggested and it was thick with cockles, not big ones but 99% legal size. We got our limit in no time, my mate was surprised how easy it was. Really appreciate your tips on the alternative location. Cheers.
  2. Appreciate the tips fellas, thanks very much.Wazza
  3. Thanks Ranger, will try the tray in esky method you outlined, it just might do the job better than the onion bag in the bucket we previously used.Much respect for your resonse, thanks so much.Wazza
  4. REALLY appreciate your detailed response Ranger, thanks a lot. I'd prefer to avoid any possible dramas so might pick you alternative location, thanks for the tip. We got our quota earlier in the season and tried purging by suspending them in a bucket (shaking occasionally) of salt water, but they still seemed to retain a bit of sand. With my Italian wife loving the seafood, the cockles are a much cheaper alternative to the Vongole we got from Samtass last week @ $27/kilo. There must be something we're missing in the purging procedure....... but dunno what.Thanks for your advice.Wazza
  5. Wanna go cockling at Goolwa this weekend, but am suss about my Holden Adventra's AWD ability making that stretch from the carpark to the beach. The wagon sits reasonably high off the ground, but as I'm not into 4WD I'm thinking lack of gear ratios etc. could put me in trouble, not to mention any poor buggers that may get caught behind me. Would greatly appreciate any advice anyone has to offer........ eg.tyre pressures, what gear to use OR just don't risk it and and walk from the carpark, thank you.Wazza
  6. Cheers for the great report guys, seems like you both had a fantastic trip with good company & good weather. KI is one of my favourite destinations & you've made me extremely envious all of a sudden. I'm gonna get my arse into gear and arrange a Charter for next Summer.Thanks for the inspiration.
  7. Meggswould have to agree with piratepom... blue devils, Charters around KI occasionally hook'em, guess some anglers may be wary due to the colour, but they're quite edible.
  8. Too right rocknev, freaky footagejust like a puppy that last shark
  9. there's a meal in just one fillet, BEAUTIFUL best whiting I've seen, 64cms, northern KI beach, March'10
  10. urhookedfishsounds great, can you take me with you?early retirement has to be the ultimate dream of most working class people and of course your hypothetical is obviously aimed at the wannabe retired fisherman.....keep buying the X-lotto tickets, Cheers
  11. wazza

    squid jags

    Ditto on the tommy-teaser and Yozuri comments.....you can't beat'em, and of course different colour jags seem to work better on different days....Have to agree on the success of the pearly white/red head Yozuris. The el-cheapo jags may work if the squid are relly hungry but HOW OFTEN IS THAT ? I've seen plenty of the el-cheapo jags that sit vertically in the water, ( not weighted right) instead of horizontally (like they should)and frankly I reckon the guys using them will be waiting a month of Sundays for a good bag of Calamari.As for the gate-crashers,I dropped a squid recenty whilst having
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