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Everything posted by Gaffer

  1. Roger is on the money... actions speak louder than words, although I am sure that most folk here practice what they preach and stay within the regulations.My concern isn't that there will be no people left to fish, or that there will be no fish left either. My concern is that there will be so many rules and regulations governing every single facet of our lives that we won't be allowed to do anything anyway. Beware the totalitarian tiptoe!
  2. Skudded... you speak my language mate ;)That's not to say we shouldn't be concerned and be working towards a better fishery for the future, and of course we should keep a watchful eye on fish stocks and fishing practices etc. It's just the constant alarmism from the UN that drives me up the wall.
  3. Hey guysOSD... I knew what you were saying originally mate. To be honest, I just saw it as an "in" as it was kind of related to what I wanted to say.Shane... my moving it somewhere else was due to what appeared to be a lack of interest from everyone else. It feels like you're talking to yourself when people don't reply, or if only one or two are putting in occasionally you still have to wonder if you are talking about something the membership is interested in, but let me assure you that I GENUINELY appreciated your input mate. I should point out that I don't mind if people aren't interested
  4. Hey folksI've taken this cause up elsewhere as although there was a lot of interest in numbers viewing here, there wasn't a lot of replies so thought maybe people weren't that interested.Anyway... an interesting development has taken place with Lord Monckton on 5aa this morning.You guys should give this a listen and start considering this whole affair as a very real situation.http://www.fiveaa.com.au/Audio_Lord-Christopher-Monckton-on-Climate-Change-Part-1_95421?s=29It's a 2 part audio section. You can link to part 2 from part 1.Gaff
  5. Thanks for the reply Shane.I only skimmed it and have to go out now, but will answer quickly as much to keep this thread in people's minds as anything.I agree that I need to get out and fish more, part of my concern is that in the future this may not be as easy as it is today, so I'm stressing a bit today and doing what I can so that maybe I don't have to stress as much tomorrow. The changes, if they go ahead, won't take place overnight, but within the next 5 - 10 years we could seriously be fighting for our liberty without a leg to stand on. My choice is to fight while I still have both legs.
  6. I think very little changes from one party ot the next. If Howard and his cronies were still in, I have no doubt they too would be pushing the same agenda. I am starting to believe that we are only given the impression that we have a choice of government, but in fact they all think the same behind the scenes. The GST was a labour issue introduced by Paul Keating the first time I heard about it, the liberals called the idea crazy, then 10 or so years later the liberals get in on the back of the GST and labour are calling it crazy. HUH?? I don't think all pollies are crooked, but I reckon a nod'
  7. So in a nutshell... we will be paying 7 billion per year to countries like China because our C02 emissions are too high, even though theirs are higher than ours, and even though it is now scientifically proven that C02 does not cause global warming, and all because they are considered a developing or third world nation and we're not.This could potentially drive our jobs and our industry overseas, or if industry chooses to stay in Australia they may tell us that in order to afford the hefty climate change taxes we will have to take pay cuts and therefore lower our standard of living to that of
  8. Guys and gals... please read this article from the Herald. it will tell you how much you will paying when this ETS goes through. Remember again that C02 has been proven to not cause global warming, so why are we paying this -Andrew BoltWednesday, November 04, 2009 at 07:20am NEXT month Kevin Rudd flies to Copenhagen to help seal a United Nationsdeal to cut the world's emissions - and to make Australia hand over partof its wealth So keen is the Prime Minister to get this new global-warming treatysigned that he's been appointed a "friend of the chairman" to tie uploose ends. So here's the questi
  9. Love it Snapps Especially the word "conditioning". That's exactly what is going on. We come home and sit down in front of the telly and download the latest propaganda update just about every single day. How easy is it to get us all thinking the same really? :S
  10. Statesquidder... I agree with you 100%Pollution sucks. It's an awful byproduct of industry, and it needs to be regulated. The problem is that if these laws are passed, you will be taxed more for driving your car, your boat, for eating meat, for using electricity or any form of power, in fact just about every facet of your life will be taxed higher to pay for your carbon footprint. All prices will go up. The cost of living and production could very well go through the roof and force those of us who obviously do OK onto the poverty line. Yeah OK... that may sound alarmist, but the potential is t
  11. Ok...Re the ice caps.First things first, there isn't or hasn't been an argument that suggests the earth hasn't been in a warming cycle. The argument is what is causing it. The polar ice caps do melt a bit, and they do come back again. It's happened many times over the history of the earth. In 1906 a sailing ship passed through the NW passage of the Arctic Circle and is documented as such.It then became inpassable until the 1940's when it was again navigatable, before freezing over and it is navigatable again now. It's part of the cycle of the earths fluctuating temperatures.It has much more to
  12. Yeah mate... there are lots of things that need to be addressed and nipped in the bud. Of course pollution cannot be allowed to continue unabated, but my worry is the damage to our country and our freedom, plus the cost to us as a nation and individually where it could potentially ruin the lives of so many based on what appears to be at this point (or to me anyway :silly: ), crackpot science coupled with media hype. It is now a scientifically proven fact that C02 does not damage the atmosphere or cause global warming and has been present at varying levels since the Earth began. naturally many
  13. Hey guys...At risk of plenty of scorn, and potential loss of any credibility I might have somewhere on this planet http://www.globalclimatescam.com/, during the version from 2007 of which I will provide a link below for, you can actually see the slide projections behind him, as opposed to the more updated version where you have to download them in pdf format and view them seperately.Movie here - http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=5206383248165214524&ei=5Kv8Ssv1KZPSwgP5mNThAQ&q=lord+monckton+apocalypse&hl=en#Again... I am not trying to preach to you, and I really genuinely
  14. Hey guysOne of my original Daiwa Capricorns from some years back has been in need of a service. I only noticed it when getting a few things ready for the Callop comp some weeks back. It had a bit of a grind to it that I hadn't noticed before, so put it to one side and had to use a different reel in its place. Anyway, I decided earlier this week that I'd have a crack at servicing the the thing myself before I sent it off anywhere.I'm presently at the stage where I have a heap of degreased bits and pieces all over the kitchen table :ohmy: , which I did last night , and am now ready to repack
  15. That's gotta be worth a karma point grouchy. Very amusing lol
  16. Snapps is right about the drop bear colour. That's exactly what I ended up using. Funny how I couldn't get a hit on exactly the same lures Chuck and Snapps were using while they were catching on them. I swapped to the Squidgy in sheer frustration and ended up getting a couple of fish of my own!It could be that I wasn't fishing them right. The gulps don't have a lot of in built action for my money. Snapps was coaching me from the sidelines, but it just wasn't happening for me. It goes to show though, that all those who think gulp is just bait are wrong, coz they wouldn't take it the way I prese
  17. Yeah it was a great day on the water. Always happy to be a net bitch for you Snapps. Quite an eventful and amusing netting episode it was too for that big one. My fish is actually my biggest mully to date, and I was surprised to get my fish on a squidgy as I've never really done too well on them before.Thanks for the invite out chaps. I've struggled to get the time to fish this year with my Mum moving etc, so it was nice to get out with a couple of mates and have a day like that. Very much appreciated and enjoyed.Gaff
  18. Nice work mate... again. Don't worry Snapps... I understand the importance of a good net boy. I've filled those shoes once or twice on that boat.Gaff
  19. OKThe marks I have entered in my GPS for the Lumb are as follows35 08 886138 26 505I'm almost positive that the above mark is the one that will put you right over the top. The one I got from the net was35 08 914138 26 485Judging by the name I have the first mark, I'm pretty sure it was the one I punched in whilst looking for it after not finding what I wanted at the second mark (internet info).However... coz I'm crap, I have this mark that has no name but is within 100m of the second mark and within a few metres of the first.35 08 857138 26 541What I can tell you about that mark is that I saw
  20. I got the marks for the lumb off the net and went out in search only to find absolutely nothing. I decided that it couldn't be that far out though, so I set about searching around the area and eventually found it about 100m away from the marks I had originally. I pinged it while I was there of course so have it on my GPS at home. If I remember, or if you hassle me enough lol, I'll get them for you and post them up. Looks great on the sounder... I was pretty excited to see it. Holds masses of fish too, which was even more exciting. Unfortunately for us though, it seemed to be mainly undersize s
  21. Blimey... when I saw your name on the screen I thought someone had stolen your identity! Good to see you around again mate. Gaff
  22. Not being much a of a flyfisherman these days... err... or even those days, I can appreciate the thrill of getting one. I went through exactly the same process to land this one and used a similar fly, so there might be something in that mate.Not as big as yours, but still a buzz! ;DHope you don't mind me butting in http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/WJrUID8j__Carp.jpg[/img] http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/TbYzDoif__thefly.jpg[/img]
  23. Gaffer coz I have coached a few football (soccer) teams in my time and in England the boss man is called The Gaffer. Also suits in a fishing sense too.
  24. Blimey mate,I'm sitting here eating honey on toast for brekky and that's still making me hungry!!Looks fantastic. I have the BBQ and I have the foil. Hmm... I have the boat and I have the bait. So what's missing?? Oh yeah... the bloody Snapper!!On my list of things to catch this year. 2009 will be the year the Gaffers find Snapper and by the looks of it, cook at least one of them just like that!Thanks for sharing mateGaff
  25. No doubting you mate... that was just awesome.Well done on another monster.Gaff
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