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Everything posted by urhookedfish

  1. Never too late Dubs..Its interesting that the time of the year you receive the lures will dictate what you can catch.Ie the salmon will be on soon. Im thinking I might be able to land a fat arse sambo on one.Mullies are on now too...
  2. Ranger are you telling Porky's - Cant take a photo???? Surely you would be pretty good at it???Just set camera to auto and prey...thats what I will be doing, just trying to make it all look good. Problem is when fishing solo, its hard to get a winning shot. Might have to make sure I have another angler with me when fishing...I feel that a few fish my have some extended periods out of the water whilst novices like me try and take a great shot. LOL Dont worry, Im always concerned about the fish's wellbeing...But altleast youve got the catching of Bream wayed off or atleast have a lot better
  3. The lures will be on there way soon.What can I catch in one week. and more importantly how good is my photography. Lucky I was given a 7.2megapixel Sony Cybershot, but only having used it to take 20photos so far, I may struggle on photo side of things.Catching a bream may be TRICKY, for me too. But with the help of CRANKA, I may even get a first. :ohmy:
  4. samboman wrote: Depends on who sent their email the fastest. Mine was 11mins. Anyone send it in less than 11mins. Im sure there would be quite a few?.
  5. Email Sent - Took me about 11mins to register as Im keen to get my hands on em.Great Comp, well done Dan.
  6. Sweet VB4ME....sounds good. Cant wait to see how they go. Just wondering if the tubes may reduce your hook up rates? Definately keep me posted. And trying new things is definately what its all about. I started attracting my squid to the jetty with soft plastics then switching to jigs to get the squid when there extremely fussy and wouldnt take a normal jag first.Mix it Up I say.Well done. They do look the goods.
  7. I myself, do believe that these would work, but Just dont understand the need to use on of these.My thoughts are the ones with tubes is kind of immitating a small occy with tentacles, which of course we know has been done with the lucanus. So you would be somewhere between baitfishing and lure fishing if you had your snapper snatcher baited up. it would be half bait half lure.I just believe that you guys, if you are thinking that if you loose your bait you still want something that a snapper will take, would be better off having a well presented regular bait on bottom dropper of your pattern
  8. Well done Coonta for providing these marks. What can he expect to catch on these and what is the nature of the marks given, ie reef, car bodies or other?well done again... Its good to see people helping other strike hookers out.
  9. okay so I shortened my leader down today but still got hammered by airknots. would rather been hammered by salmon but still none around. they seemed to have dissapeared.Bloody braid.But Brenton have you been throwing softies off Porties with your braid.I never had one air knot until I started doing that.
  10. so maybe if I shorten my flurocarbon leader down to 2foot or so and dont wind onto the rod, I should be okay???? :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
  11. brenton wrote: well said Brenton. I agree, I only use my Calstar combo for deep drops in 30plus meters of water. I love an overhead combo to drop full fish baits down on wrecks. Often in this scenario a cast is not needed.My other mates used the saltist this season and loved it. I tried to get all fancy and use my saltiga with big baits and leads and in the end have decided that the overhead is better suited and will go back to just using the old Calstar combo again next snapper season - although this one hasnt really finished yet I suppose.
  12. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: That was great mate. I almost felt like I was on the tour. Some awesome photos there.Was a priveledge to see a professional at work.Thanks again. Petty lucky to get some lures yourself as well. :cheer:
  13. Cool idea Marsone, but problem is Im running a Certate Hyper custom and I reckon a spare spool would be on or over $100If anyone knows where I can buy a spare spool than please let me know as thats a fantastic idea. would love an extra spool.
  14. I too have been using Nitlon to throw jerkies too off Porties to chase the salmon, and I have had serious problems with wind knots. Even on my lighter outfit casting squid jigs with another brand of braid I still get wind knots.So as others have said, it seems that no matter how good the braid, that breeze off Pt N jetty is killer. I spend a good amount of prime time picking knots out.Im with you Ubolt time to start thinking of going back to mono for jetty use!!!! its funny as the knots form close to where the mono leader is tied on.Never had these troubles when using Mono.
  15. If you do get to see the Calstars, my model should set you back about $180 so they dont cost the earth..thank god.I believe Phil at Tackleworld Ohallarin Hill usually has the Calstar range or Sportfishing scene Cavan.If you did feel the need you could come and check mine out anytime you wanted. I think the saltist would be a perfect match as well.would be a sensational outfit. Infact I was going to pick my self up a saltist to be using on this rod some time soon. I just got distracted and ended up buying a Diablo rod instead of saltist reel. LOL.
  16. I have a graphite Calstar GF600M and Shimano Tekota. I have it loaded with 20lb braid and this outfit has been superb. By far my best snapper combo.I hate to say it but I even prefer it to my more expensive spin combos, especially when fishing deep drops out of the boat.The Tekota I have has a level wind, which I believe helps out heaps.The Calstar has a terrific action, and because its graphite you can feel every touch no matter how small, but its still is very thick in both the tip and butt of the rod, (but don't be mistaken as this is not similar in anyway to the soft plastic graphite sti
  17. Hey Nice one New Zealander (Joke)....I love it when you look at the recent posts and see a quality thread only minutes old. Unlike the 63cm red which would be god knows how old.well done Fishlips (fushlups) Oh yeah, what did the damage in the way of bait?
  18. Hey Pin point, how did the rod snap?
  19. Got to take a drive out to some of the northern rivers in search of some massive trout. a lot of hiking but man some nice country to see.Have a hot thermos of coffee and away you go.
  20. anytime mate. will let you know when they arrive.then your a good chance of nailing a few from the school.
  21. The beach next to the onka mouth for some stomping salmon, and Port Norlunga jetty for the salmon run as well.Its good living close as I dont have to drive far. Not interested in travelling to Waitpinga or Parsons, just have to pop into Porties until I hear the salmon have arrived.I think its going to be a good year this year and hope to catch a few on softies.cant wait.
  22. With you already catching a 62cm fish..prob 4kilo or so there is no reason truley big fish couldnt rock up on that spot, so the size of your leader will depend on whats on the bottom.I have been busted off already on 20lb leader on shallow reef. Myself I would be going 30lb or 40lb just as insurance.You just never know whats going to turn up and you dont want to loose a fish of a lifetime.Brett
  23. Im with you Nev, I always fish in gear as well. I think this thread shows that most hook types work. Just personale preference and the situation that your fishing in that should dictate what you choose.I used to fish in freespool and missed truckloads of runs.Never again will I fish in freespool even with a running rig.If Im fishing a running rig and a snapper picks it up I just give em a few seconds to get it down and set the hook.Brett
  24. between 4/0 - 6/0 gamakatsu circles.You can hook fish just by lifting your rod. fish hook themselves if you leave rod in rod holder with enough drag pressure to set hook.you can easily get rid of small ruggers because the circles set in corner of mouth by design.
  25. Backbone in a rod definately does exist thats for sure...but I am with Cal in that I have a 6'6 Calstar grahite snapper stick :cheer: and it was clearly made for overhead use (short spacing between eyes and heaps of them), but quite often I use my Daiwa 4000 sized spinning real on it, to throw softies on it or to use it for bait fishing.I'm finding it very good, the extra eyes don't even cause much of a problem. I really can't notice any difference in how the rod performs under load. In fact I am more than happy with how it performs when using it as a spinning rod. The only prob your goin
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