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Browns & 'bows in windy conditions.

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This trip was to the Mersey River on private property, the water was very cold and the level was still on the high side for my liking, good thing was that I did manage to get onto a few trout. The wind became a real pain in the butt as it always does when river fishing..

Thanks for watching..

cheers Adrian..







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Beautiful scenery and Fish Adrian

Ive only recently become a true convert to the spinning blade.

I always thought fish had to be fired up to hit them.

I actually ran a test last night on a small lake - I walked the length of it casting a 2 inch paddle tail for a few hits - then walked my way back with the jig spinner and they were whacking the hell out of it.

They were tiny reddies -too small to fit the big hook in their mouth but the increase in hits was very noticeable.

Ive had sessions where the reverse is true - but I used to assume if they were not hitting subtle lures - they would ignore loud spinning blades aswell

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Thanks YD, the scenery in and around the rivers I fish are great that's for sure. As for the spinners, the fish can run hot and cold on the blade spinners, especially trout, they can be on one minute and off the next and all one can do is to continue to chop and change spinners. Eventually there's one they'll take a liking to for a while then go of it, then it's back to chopping and changing lures again. Then I've had many days during the trout season when I've never had to change the spinner at all.  Spin fishing for trout with blade spinners fishing (or any fish) is certainly challenging most times, in the end that's what it's all about isn't it.. 

cheers Adrian 

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21 hours ago, Des said:

Just so picturesque out there. Who needs to catch a fish. Although that would just top things off!

Enjoy your beautiful part of the world Adrian. Hope you have a great season ahead. 

Cheers, Des

Thanks Des, yes mate, very lucky to have so much beautiful scenery & tranquil water to fish, catching a trout always tops off a few hours or so in a small stream or a large river Life is good down here, as for my season, I'm 40+ trout ahead for the same time last season at this stage, just hope it stays that way..



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12 hours ago, gregtech said:

The 'Trout Assassin' is still hard at it!!!

Great pics Adrian. Still on my bucket list to get down your way.  Just got back from Exmouth WA getting into the Marlin and Sailfish so Tassie is next!!!!

Cheers, Greg.

Hi Greg, yes I'm still at for now mate, I'll be keeping at it for as long as the body allows me to, Looks like you've been spoiling yourself in WA, good trip by the sounds of it.. look me up if & when you get down this way... site member Soobz is touring the state at the moment too.. meeting up with him again near the end of the month..

cheers Adrian

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