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Everything posted by statesquider

  1. Good on ya mateNot enough people have this attitude. Every time without fail when I go to browns I could fill a 20L bucket with trash, hooks, metres and metres of line and beer bottles and cans. Gets worse when its actually busy, worst I've seen is about 3 cartons of bottles on the beach. Carried as much as I could and took some more the next day but its hard enough work walking along the beach Just hope the ranger keeps it open...
  2. Not totally related to the topic but I think that the government should be putting more money into aquaculture so as to take the pressure off wild fisheries. Clearly recreational fishers are not the main problem. The number of fish that are taken by pros is high enough but the biggest thing that gets me is the wasted bycatch. Don't get me started on prawn trawlers...I just don't believe its right to pillage the ocean to a point where it can just sustain itself and slowly stock numbers up.Also I think our personal bag limits are generous as it is. For example cockles... Why did we need to colle
  3. I normally bag up about 4 fillets in a ziplock bag and label with the fish type, amount of fillets and date caught so I can rotate my fish in the freezer and always keep them fresh. Generally i'm just feeding me and the missus. I like your idea though, that would save a lot of broken fillets when you get impatient and pull them apart before fully defrosted. Also great idea when you're cooking for 1.As for crabs I haven't come up with anything fantastic yet but I clean them and halve them and remove the claws. The claws get folded up as compact as possible and take up minimal room. Then I fold
  4. I completely agree with everyone on this topic, if only the general public were better educated about this it hopefully wouldn't be such an issue. I'm just glad that I can always turn to this site and discuss topics such as this with people who understand how important it is to fish responsibly. If only there were more of you all out there :)Cheers Lads and Ladies
  5. Hahaha he didn't know what to think
  6. Nice fish mate, love to catch one of them one day
  7. I always get a bit worried washing my hands and arms in the water Can't wait to see the vid
  8. Just glad the government is in charge of these issues and coerce with bodies such as SARDI and PIRSA before any decisions are made; we all have a place in the world and should work to keep it as sound as we can for future generations.Peace
  9. I don't see how the comments ausea has pulled from the discussion are irrelevant, to gain an understanding of a topic it needs to be discussed and to liken risks between riding a bike or snakes to coming across a 20ft white in a 12ft tinny are fair statements. Its all about taking risks that are personal ones. You don't have to ride a bike, you don't have to go bushwalking and run across snakes and you don't have to go out in a tinny if you know there is a risk of sharks. Everyone has shared responsible and thought out opinions so far so I don't see why people have to try other people look wro
  10. I'd agree with the absorbant sachet but i'd be careful about the salt... Bloody corrosive stuff as we all know
  11. I share opinions with most people on this topic, I feel that we are entering their territory and therefore we are responsible for our own safety. With everything we do we take risks, like riding a bike on the road. I've been hit a couple of times and have had too many close calls to count but I love riding so I wont stop. I now take as many precautions to make it as safe as I can when I ride, at the end of the day thats all you can do.I love spearfishing and snorkelling and have had a run in with a white once. Was about 3m long and just cruised past me between me and the rocks I had to get out
  12. haha i have two sprays and i've never had any luck on either, both cost about $25 each...
  13. Heading out fishing shortly but i'll check the video's tomorrow Cant wait to watch!
  14. Sounds like I have to start saving always keen for simple low maintenance gear that can handle abuse
  15. Haha I knew you would jump on this Rocknev I was thinking of it just to be used off the beach really with bait. Whats one worth along with a rod? Just a ballpark figure to give me an idea would be awesome What range of fish can they handle? Can you get different versions or are they all a standard size?
  16. Pardon me for being totally stupid when it comes to this topic but are they any good? I know there are a lot of people that are devoted to them but I've never known a person to own one :)Please don't take this as me thinking they are rubbish as I am indifferent on the topic Just thought if they are that good it could be a cool new thing to own and it seems like they are virtually unbreakable. Can anyone tell me a basic rundown of their pro's and cons?Thanks for your time to anyone who replies :)Tom
  17. haha how much sticks out the end? I don't think I'll ever get a one piece that long
  18. Yeah I've sort of re-looked the situation how on earth do you cart around a one piece 12ft rod? Thats huge!
  19. Haha word is you are what you eat... so, did he taste like chicken?
  20. Hahaha thats awesome that would have to be the coolest thing i've seen in a fish, I wonder how much chicken was on it when it ate it
  21. Yeah the reel sort of gets changed around a lot. I don't have a heap of money being at uni, so for the time being I'm trying to work with what I have Basically the reel is used for off jetties, boats and rocks with the 6'3" rod and I use a 10 or 12ft rod for surf fishing (depends on the beach as to whether I use 10 or 12).
  22. Having read through all of the squid recipes it looks like i'm having it for tea, I could never bring myself to use it as bait. heads and tentacles yes and sometimes wings but how could you throw a tube back into the water!
  23. This is my final line/reel question :)I have another Okuma reel (there is a bit of a trend here) which is an avenger AV60. For some reason I put 8lb on there and the spool says it holds 450m of 12lb so I have a tonne of line on it. I never really had big plans for this reel but I use it for the same things as my smaller (avenger abf30) reel but I don't like to use it often as my wrist gets sore when flicking all day and its just way too big. So this reel tends to be thrown onto a 6'3" rod rated at about 6-8kg, a 7ft 8-10kg rod (which i totally understand is WAY too heavy for the line as you do
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