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yellow door 1

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Everything posted by yellow door 1

  1. Graham Keegan from MRFAC Says 90% of snapper that go through the release weight process die. So while it may be the best case scenario. It’s still a pretty dismal scenario
  2. Here it is. Fingerling shad
  3. It was a “mojiko” one they used to sell at anaconda. I think mojiko used to rip off river 2seas designs . So it’s probably just a copy of a river2sea. I bought a heap of mojiko a when they had a massive clearance in the Melbourne store ill see if I can find the name when I get home theu used to dive to around a metre or 1.2m
  4. Yeah I’ve got a mate who occasionally eats a mulloway And he says when the bait schools are in, their guts are jam packed with 3 inch skinny bait fish. He said the stomach was like a sausage casing stuffed with tiny bait fish so small lures definitely have their place for mulloway here’s one I got on a 5cm hb and 8lb leader
  5. Yeah I’d just dropped a mate off on a floating litter trap to collect some tennis balls for his dog. As I was floating away, I glanced at the sounder and said to my mate “you should see the bait on the sounder!!!!” He says have a cast, so I did one hop of the blade and there was a solid weight. It was on bream gear, so my mate had to balance awkwardly on a floating litter trap for the next 30 mins
  6. This fella ate a 4cm blade
  7. Heres my best - he fought harder than the fatter yellas from the same water
  8. Bewdiful work Adrian - We recently had something similar whipped up for my Grandmas 90th - even at 50% off, its a decent investment but what price do you put on capturing priceless memories.
  9. I just watched the video and even though the guy is recommending them - he still states that snapper released with those weights, only have a 10% chance of surviving, which is still alot better than other methods like venting. So while release weights are the best option - you are still killing 90% of the fish you release.
  10. The reading I've done suggests Snapper are more resilient than most and can survive this process but its not recommended - catch and release fishing at depths over 8m is not encouraged, as there is a good chance you will be rupturing their internal organs. The ones that dont exhibit bloating is probably because the swim bladders exploded on the way up Release weights and weighted drop nets give them a chance but alot of studies have some pretty unacceptable outcomes (the snapper in the study below were caught between 8 and 70m) ".......all fish exhibited various clinical signs of b
  11. There are some in the fishing community that believe that fishing deep and catch and release don’t go together
  12. Yeah I practiced with shit knives and I'm glad I did - the spinning motion can suck the blade into the machine when you came at it from the left had side. I managed to put a couple of divots on a 20 year old bait knife while honing my technique. All I own are cheapish knives, that are easily replaced, so I'm willing to risk them on these machines. The electric sharpener is by no means a finely tuned instrument - but in the hands of a skilled operator - you could probably get some acceptable results - If I ever find one - I'll get him to have a go and let you know But as it
  13. Yeah I've had mixed results with stones - I lack the patience and the skills to get the best out of them - these, "almost idiot proof" electric units, are more my speed. I dont want to cut my fingers off when reaching into a soapy sink full of water - so "almost razor" is where I like my knives to be
  14. I can imagine with todays sounders and a vigorous jig - you wouldnt even have to wait for the fish to be hungry
  15. Yeah nothing worse than casting a mile then coming up solid to a clump of weed as soon as you turn the handle. I’ve switched some of my metals trebles over to singles to help minimise this problem
  16. Yeah I’ve had limited experience with alveys but I do remember them casting a mile......but bringing the line back in wasn’t much fun yeah I’ve never understood aniseed scent in the salt. I know there are plants that grow along the creeks that smell a lot like aniseed so it wouldn’t be too “foreign” a scent there - and would probably mask some human odours but I wonder why it works well out in the salt. i occasionally think some people catch fish in spite of the scents they are using, not because of them like wd40 - a lot of people used to use because they believed it was made
  17. Yeah when I was loooking at the profile of these old lures they looked like they could do with a bit of bending to get some action out of them
  18. Ahh I spose retrieving with an alvey ensures you arent brining it in that quick. I've got them on blades before but I havent thought to use metal slug type lures
  19. Thanks for all the info Plec - I spose ID-ing a lure was alot easier back then - as they were only 5 of them How did you retrieve these metals for Mulloway - Hop hop pause or straight retrieve?
  20. Yeah they look like some “mullet lures” I’ve seen basically a lump of metal to jag with
  21. No worries Dave. could achieve a very similar result with duct tape and a dab of super glue on the end of the tape to stop it unraveling
  22. My negative fishing experiences with contaminates like sunscreen and petrol on my hands have shapeD they way I look at metho soaked baits and my experiences with the salting down of fish flesh have me wondering why guys use metho have you tried just putting the worms in a bag full of salt and draining the juice after a couple of days this method turns fish flesh, to some where between fresh and jerky, with no metho required - and it lasts forever
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