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Everything posted by Ugly4Life

  1. Unfortunately this is the case. I think the 'powers-that-be' get a bit too trigger happy with implementing new laws while forgetting that criminals, by definition, are not going to obey them. Then they wonder why their laws aren't having the desired effect and instead are just pissing off the honest people who do the right thing. Less laws, more law enforcement I say.
  2. Not as much as I do, or I'm out of a job! :pinch:
  3. Try telling that to Joe Public and the politico's in charge of this town. :dry: "We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardlyanyone knows anything about science and technology." - Carl Sagan.
  4. reckon 2 jags on 1 line is no nobrentI know that it's a pretty common technique in NSW for Squidding and that in some parts of the world they use 8 - 12 jigs on a single line to catch them professionally. I've only learned about it and started using it in the last year, but haven't had problems so far. I find it a good way to figure out which colors are working best as you can present two different jigs to the same patch and see which one they take consistently. Yep, I used to have the pink one. Never caught a thing on it unfortunately but then again I always fished it as a regular squid jig,
  5. A little unconventional but; A paternoster rig, exactly like fishing for Whiting except you attach two squid jags. It works best if you can get weightless jags but that's not mandatory. If you make the rig slightly longer than normal to keep the jags out of the weed it's a great technique.You can either drop this straight off the back of the boat (if you're in one) and drift, or cast and retrieve slowly if you're landbased and sure there aren't too many snags about. You can even leave it set like a Whiting line, although I find a bit of movement is what actually triggers the take.This method a
  6. I got to play with these at the Shimano product show last year. I put a lot of effort into trying to break one with no luck at all. Was giving it as much stick as I could and just getting a chuckle out of the Shimano rep. They seem very competently built and quite comfortable/balanced.That being said, I haven't actually used one but a couple of our regulars out of St Kilda own them and they all give them the thumbs up.
  7. I'm a firm believer in cheap squid jags. Neptune Tackle Pearl Belly in Green, Pink, Blue and White w/ Red Head. They get thrashed pretty easily but I believe they work just as well as the expensive models and they're so cheap replacing them doesn't matter much. The biggest problem I have is finding the colours I want because they get bought out pretty quick! :pEdit: That being said I do have a couple of Yo-Zuri's in the box and I can vouch for the Green w/ orange belly. Killer jag.
  8. Seems to be a fairly reasonable research method Chief. Apparently the same one used by PETA and others. :whistle:
  9. Just an update on my last post but we just bought a TV aerial to watch the Olympic Games and I have to say... ... what garbage is on this bloody 'free-to-air' these days!? Some show about ugly people and another about girls with too much make-up and some other one about a bloke planning his own wedding!? The people making this trash must be smoking the good stuff! :sick: The only good shows on are the fishing shows... so I am rating them all the best, because compare to the monstrosities I've witnessed in the last few days, you can keep TV! :ohmy: :s
  10. When they started comparing fishing to being a wife beater, rapist AND violent criminal all in the same advert... well I suppose it didn't really change my view of them much but I didn't think they could stoop much lower before that.Good article.
  11. Ah fair enough mate. I dunno that you'll get much in the way of GPS marks but if you hang around the forums and make some friends I almost guarantee that there'll be people here willing to share tips and info when you do come down next year.Also would bloody love to see some pics of your WA adventures mate, welcome to the forums.
  12. Haven't seen that yet weaver but I might have to give it at try. Platypus make good stuff. All my outfits with mono on them (all two of them, lol) have pretest and it's good stuff.
  13. Love Power Pro. Running 3lb on my light outfit and 8lb on my baitcaster. Only issue I get is a lot of line twist when chucking plastics around but it's not much of an issue.Other brands - Fireline Original: Not a fan anymore. Not as good a quality as others. Too prone to wind knots and degrades quickly.Stren Microfuse: Favorite braid. Been using 2lb for everything from decent salmon, bream and macks right down to little tommies. Simply the best I have found for tying knots and have never had a serious wind knot with this stuff yet. A lot of friends use the heavier stuff on the Snapper.Nanofil
  14. First post and asking for marks mate? :dry: Normally we suggest hanging around the forums, making some friends and contributing a bit before getting straight into asking people for marks.
  15. Working all weekend but then have Monday/Tuesday off so I will probably head up St Kilda break wall for some more trouties and maybe do something else if I can get motivated.
  16. Yeeeah! That's awesome. "I GOT THAT ON CAMERA!" "HE GOT THAT ON CAMERA!!"
  17. I get reports all winter about Gar getting caught in the Port River. Might be worth a shot.
  18. I haven't watched normal TV in years and usually get my fishing fix from YouTube, but out of the old shows I used to watch iFish and Robson Green are good.I also like Mark Berg from the Fishing World DVD's. Cracks me up.
  19. As Nikhum said it's all about balance with your rod and reel combo so it is pretty hard to judge what it's going to be like without actually holding it.As a general rule of thumb, any rods around the 1-5 kilo mark should be paired with a 1000 to 2500 sized reel. 5 - 10 kilo 3000 to 6500 size etc etc. Keep in mind that is a very general statement. It all depends on what you're planning on catching with it. A general all-purpose rod and reel would probably be in the 2-6 kilo range with a 3000 size reel to cover most bread and butter options.If you have the catalogue it's possible that it lists t
  20. Going to try again this afternoon fisho, so I'll let you know.
  21. Been a while since I got out on the rocks, but St Kilda was firing nicely this morning. Plenty of fish coming in when I got there and after a few casts with the trusty phantom double clutch I was on. Landed 6 fish myself and about 40 between three of us. I was a bit late and they went off the bite after about 10 minutes. All of ours went between 22 and 27cm. Also copped a treble in the palm after a lively little fella decided to kick. The double clutch was good on a slow retrieve but they were really hitting plastics hard this morning. Going to go earlier tomorrow and with a few different weap
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