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Everything posted by silaflex

  1. Probably no worse than eating the good old Mekong Catfish :sick: aka supposedly a lot of the imported fleshy fish sold in supermarkets and fish shops under many different names.
  2. Leaked documents eh?These morons seem to be good at leaking bs then denying them so they look like heroes. :angry: Sounds like the budget dribble leaked? a couple of days before the budget release.Absolute disgrace. :@ :@ :@
  3. Thats the most expensive stretch of water in the world.
  4. He was probably leaning over the edge having a dump. Isn't that the kind of conditions they breed fish in over there?
  5. chuckemback wrote: Are you serious??
  6. It appears something bad has happened to their website
  7. Or even a 2 stroke version :icon_e_surprised:
  8. silaflex

    Banjo Minnow

    I saw them the other day on foxtel.They look like they have a pretty good action.Must admit I was tempted. Only tempted {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif
  9. Are they those little critters you find in your towel cupboard? {SMILIES_PATH}/rolleyes.gif
  10. I would say this parasite has a lot to answer for with this situation {SMILIES_PATH}/cool.gifDid I vote for him? My conscience is clear. {SMILIES_PATH}/rolleyes.gifAnyone noticed he doesn't look so happy on the telly like he used to?
  11. I found it in Wild Coast mag {SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gif
  12. We have spotted many a fish lately that are not tempted by any lure we threw at them.My mate decided to put a little bait on his jig head while I continued with lures. Purely as an experiment you must understand {SMILIES_PATH}/rolleyes.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/rolleyes.gifHe hugely outfished me. Like, every cast for him was a fish. Me? Squat {SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gifCan you use bait in the bream comps??
  13. My mate paid $12 for 1 pint of cockles today. {SMILIES_PATH}/shocked.gifIt was their last ones in stock too.I don't think I would like to pay much more than that for them {SMILIES_PATH}/cry.gifNo more chucking half a bag over the side after a days fishing though {SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif
  14. Do you think bream are wising up to soft plastics??I think they are in the port!Maybe its imagination but I reckon the are harder to catch now than a couple of years ago.Mainly in numbers, and size to a lesser extent.They just don't seem to smash the lures like they used to.It stands to reason really - more people fishing c&r with lures, fish are learning what plastic tastes like. They may not be the brightest creature but they don't get to be big by being stupid.What does everyone think??
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