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brendanovski last won the day on February 19 2020

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About brendanovski

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  1. Had a big jacket chew into a jagged squid once. Tore the crap out it!
  2. Thanks very much guys for the replies. Definitely gives me food for thought. Sounds like I need to give the worms a try.
  3. All this talk of blood worm runs has got me thinking. Are worms the best bait? I know for yellow fin whiting off the beach its the gun bait.I for one have never used any type of worms. Just cockles or squid, sometimes prawns or gents. So my question is will they catch more fish than say cockles or is it particular species that really fall for them? Would my kg fishing improve if I switch to worms or is it comparable with using cockles? Just thoughts and hoping someone can clear this up for me.
  4. Couldn't help myself. Had to go out and try and repeat my metro whiting bag today. Conditions perfect. Flat as a millpond and a nice big tide this afternoon. No one on my spot perfect! Berleyed up and sent the first bait down...bang I'm on...I could get used to this.A few issues my favourite daiwa rod snapped at the end final guide and 2 centimetres of rod tip in the middle of reeling in a whiting. Had to switch to my backup rod and kept fishing. Lost about six hooks to LJs until I landed the monster and fixed his little red wagon! Mix of fish this time few 31-32cm models but most around 36cm
  5. Gday Mash helped a fellow yakker get onto the whiting when I had my bag yesterday. Told him to fish in my spot hopefully they were still biting!
  6. Got my first metro bag of whiting today down south. Found a big school and quickly had 12 decent whiting 36-37cm on board. Pretty chuffed as first time on my own in the tinny bagging out metro. I have a nice new mark for the collection too! Water pretty stirred up still so no squid wanted to play. Moved to the snapper spot but no legals wanted to play this afternoon only a 38cm whiting which hoovered a bid squid strip with a pair of 4/0 gamakatsus in it. Unlucky bugger got a free ticket as my quota was reached.
  7. Went out on the boat aiming to locate some shallow water snapper on Friday night and Saturday.No action Friday on our secret spot. One snapper undersized returned to the sea Saturday. 3 squid and some red mullet. Not a success.
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