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  3. This trip was back in January before the Cormorants hit the rivers here in big numbers, as the title states 5 from 9, trout few and far between was spot on.. There's also a few photos from the spin session below the YouTube video as well.. cheers Adrian (meppstas)
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  5. Mickyj

    Anyone know

    Thanks Adrian that’s them
  6. Meppstas

    Anyone know

    As Kelvin stated, Savage Gravity lures Micky, saw these on Ebay $10-50 each. cheers Adrian
  7. Mickyj

    Anyone know

    Could be the floating one different colours I could’ve bought old ones
  8. Mickyj

    Anyone know

    Could be I couldn’t think of their name I’ll do some googling thanks Kelvin
  9. Kelvin

    Anyone know

    Savage Gear Gravity Minnow?
  10. Mickyj

    Anyone know

    Does anyone know the brand of this lure I have no clue where I got them from have 3 different colours . Lure says on its back GM 50 3.1 g weight . I must’ve bought them from somewhere
  11. I meant to put this short six minute musical photo slideshow with the photo books a couple of days ago.. I kept it short as not to send the viewers to sleep, the original video runs for 20 minutes.. It was hard working out what photos to use as I had so many, there's probably (& there is) a lot more good photos that I could have added, but one has to stop somewhere don't they. I will have 101 videos "My Rivers & Fish" (when I put 98, 99, 100 & 101 together) that go back a long time, and boy has the rivers/streams changed over those years with the many floods that we've had in that
  12. Thanks Bjorn & Des, it's something I like to do at the end of each trout season, always to look back on when I can't fish the rivers/streams in the near future.. I have 15 seasons of photo books now.. cheers Adrian
  13. Picture perfect there! Absolutely beautiful shots Adrian.
  14. Fantastic photos mate, a magical backyard you have down there!
  15. What a sensational fish! They really are muscled up right down to the tail. Enormous!!
  16. With the trout season now closed for three months I went ahead and did my yearly photo books of the rivers/stream & trout that I caught & released throughout the season. Seeing as I took over 2,500 photos during the trout season I had to keep it to two medium size books as well as keeping the cost to a reasonable one. The good thing is that I held of until Snapfish had a 70% off which included extra pages. Here's a few photos from both books, there's also a short 6 minute video musical photo slideshow on my YouTube channel as well, details at the bottom of the photos.. chee
  17. thank you for taking the time and effort to write such a detailed report. I can only dream of such a haul. Cheers
  18. Des


    Those Eastern states Dusky Flathead can be prolific at times. All those coastal rivers and lakes along with better water temperatures really suits them fine. Our Southern Blue Spots are a lot tougher gig. You sure are enjoying your move, with all aspects of your fishing. Cheers, Des
  19. Hunter69


    Nice bag of flatties there des. Fished the clyde river recently at Bateman's Bay. Couldn't believe how many flathead where around. Think we landed close to 20. Bit different to back home.
  20. Meppstas


    A great write up as always Des with plenty of tips etc.. Quite few decent fish caught and some nice feeds to be had too.. cheers Adrian
  21. Des


    CLOUDY BUT FINE !!! I felt tentative on the second day of my recent 2 day fishing trip when it was overcast and heavy with cloud. We have just come out of the Yellow Fin Whiting Lure season where we enjoy the best fishing on sunny days. Yellow Fin Whiting Lure fishing is always better in sunshine. I can’t nail any precise reason for it, but I assume it is about the YFW seeing their prey easily and then chasing it down in those conditions. Interesting that we never hear of successful Lure caught YFW at night. However plenty of good YFW are regularly caught at night on bait. On t
  22. Thanks guys, certainly very lucky down here with the scenery & beautiful rivers/stream to fish. Over the last three months the rivers/streams and even the highland lakes have been over run with Cormorants. The rivers/streams that I fish are now scarce on trout, in fact several small streams have been cleaned out. I spent a couple of hours in the Mersey River yesterday and never spotted a trout at all, this time last year the trout were plentiful in the Mersey. Our trout season closes tomorrow (28th April) for three months, touch wood, hopefully there will be some recovery over the next thr
  23. Beautiful location. Nice fish too
  24. The best I have taken is an 81cm “Southern Blue Spotted Flathead”. Back in the day when I was not as aware of the breeding aspects. The Eastern States Dusky Flathead is a bigger species. So 81cm for a Blue Spot is in the upper end of its size range.
  25. great write-up. Those big ones are true "crocs". Speaking of.....how log is the biggest bluespot you have seen reliably measured?
  26. Mark, It is always the Food stupid! ... the saying borrowed from political campaigns ! I am sure you will get my drift So it is all about the best conditions for the baitfish. Always follow the baitfish. The falling Tide is best. The baitfish retreat and congregate in weedy areas. Flathead follow and also congregate. I don't get as many on the incoming tide. Too Windy. Little baitfish need protection and head out deeper or into sheltered deeper channels. Too Cold. Deeper water is warmer than the chilly shallows for the sensitive baitfish. And this also applies with
  27. Always so picturesque in your part of the world. Catching fish is a bonus
  28. This was my only trip to the Leven River so far this season, it hasn't fished all that well over the past couple of seasons but i thought it was time to give it a go before the season closes. cheers Adrian..
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