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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/04/18 in all areas

  1. I just read the news that Alvey Reels Australia is closing down. This is from the Alvey Reels Australia Facebook page... To our wonderful customers over many, many years. It is with great sadness I have to announce that Alvey Reels Australia will be closing down. Our manufacturing facility at Carole Park has served us well since 1978 but sales of our reels are now so low they can not generate the income required to keep the business going. Our loyal and skilled staff have kept the quality of our products very high and we are proud of this reputation as being the toughest reel on t
    1 point
  2. Good news, it seems: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-04-20/alvey-reels-remain-open-months-after-closure-announcement/9680648 Cheers af
    1 point
  3. I was going through a photo file that contained a large variety of pictures of flowers that I have taken over several years.. I picked out a few that have bees and a few other insects on them.. Thought they were worth putting on the Photography section on the forum.. cheers Adrian
    1 point
  4. doobie

    Flowers & bees etc...

    very nice Adrian. That dragonfly ? looks to have 2 front buck teeth
    1 point
  5. Shame to see another Aussie icon closing down, I see they have been flooded with orders since the announcement which will keep them afloat a little longer.. I still have a couple of Alvey reels too one being a cedar spool surf reel.. caught many Salmon & Mulloway with it too..certainly beautiful reels that are easily maintained & that last forever..
    1 point
  6. That's no good...loved my Alvey and surf rod combo. I remember as kids when the fish weren't biting...( which was more often than not ,) we'd have casting comps on the Outer Harbour wharf with a thumping snapper lead on the end. Would go a mile.
    1 point
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