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Everything posted by Cleaver

  1. It's not a trip to be taken lightly. We would prepare well in advance. Usually make trips to Torrens Isl to buy lots of bait fish.We had a 7x4ft tralier to bring all our gear, gennies, fuel, water, food, eskies etc etc.Oh yes, two words BABY WIPES.
  2. You can all the laws in the world but if you can't enforce them...
  3. Haven't been for years, getting old now but this article has it pretty much covered.http://www.fishnet.com.au/default.aspx?id=234&articleId=6122
  4. I'd like to know too...debating over an Aird as well...No crbb. Not approved for Saltwater use.
  5. How do the Airds hold up with saltwater use? Are the bearings crbb?
  6. The area would be raped within months if jetty fishing was allowed there imo.
  7. ......god bless smokey...and Jarvis walker.
  8. I replaced mine on the boat with a 900mm metal ruler. It was a wide one with very bold numbers and easy to read. The part at the beginning of the ruler wher the is a hole for hanging before the measurements start was approx 30mm and i folded it to act as a stopThey come in 300mm, 400mm, 600mm and up, shouldn't be hard to find a size to suit.
  9. It's a fait accompli i believe TB.Can't blame your mate U4F. Sadly though the the Mayor and local fishing industry are showing support.Port Lincoln mayor Bruce Green also defended the ship and said the tools of the fishing industry had changed, becoming more sophisticated with locating catch and species.“It's not about whether you've got one ship or two, or 10 rather than one, it's about what is the quota, what is the biomass, how can we target that and not do damage to other species?” Mr Green said.Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association spokesman David Ellis said the local
  10. 'Relax, we're here to feed the starving masses of Africa, we just don't want to see the tuna go hungry either, do YOU?'
  11. http://www.environment.gov.au/minister/burke/2012/tr20120822.html
  12. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-08-29/claims-super-trawler-set-to-berth/4230910Port Lincoln huh?The news report-http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-08-29/growing-opposition-to-the-imminent-arrival-of/4230752
  13. I bumped into Senator Nick X at my local store on Saturday and had a chat to him about the Margris.I basically let him know that the community is aware of this and we are concerned and it flies in the face of the countries stance on ocean conservation etc.He agreed and said he will be raising the issues in Parliament and with his colleagues.Very approachable man and had all the time in the world for me.
  14. At risk of personal safety, i'll be holding my breath.
  15. Whenever I fish for them there are too many double headers. One flapping fish at a time is easier to measure and re-bait Totally agree with you and 4thalove. You can only catch so many so may as well have fun when they're on the bite. When they are hard to come by then i use tactics to increase my chances. Double twisted paternoster rig is my go to, 20lb trilene clear at the moment.
  16. Geez, an old guy could tear an AC doing that
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