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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/04/22 in all areas

  1. Des


    BYCATCH to MAIN CATCH … Season’s Change to FLATHEAD . I have picked up a Flathead on each of my last 4 Yellow Fin Whiting lure sessions. There are still plenty of YFW about for the whiting bait angler, however they have slowed up for the whiting lure fisherman. The water is cooling a bit for YFW on lures. But is also the reason for the increasing presence of the Flathead. The cooler Autumn water temperatures now have the ambient conditions to hold a larger number of baitfish in the shallows. And along with the baitfish arrive a lot more Flathead, in these cooler w
    1 point
  2. David_C


    That is fascinating!! When I go for YFW, I use a paternoster rig, with the soft plastic as the weight (not just a sinker). I get a few flathead this was but it's more of slowly moving the bait (which YFW love), rather than a jerky motion - but have never had the same results are you get. Definitely will give it a whirl! David
    1 point
  3. Thanks for the tip Mike - if it can handle kings - it will handle anything
    1 point
  4. Soobz


    Hi Des, forcing text colour has resulted in my dark theme doing black text on black background . Challenging but I can read it if I highlight it Excellent information again.
    0 points
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