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Everything posted by brenton

  1. why would you decline the offer if you thought your views were relevent. cheers brenton
  2. I've been waiting for quite a few months for these to come in to my local tackle shop as i'd hada play with them when they first appeared.Now to clarify i use quiver tips for most of my metro whiting fishing because i reckon they are the ducks guts but in some circumstances they don't cut the mustard and these Bushy rods 641 3-6 kilo fill that gap perfectly.They will also be perfect for those country locations where the KG bite their heads off, are predominately bigger fish or the water is a bit deeper.I have mine matched with an 2500 ecooda reel and would be very surprised it i couldn't knock
  3. Blue manna crabs in the gulfs are basically stuck in the gulfs and are a generally a tropical species,they can't be replenished from ocean stocks or spawn and to have a commercial blue crab industry that takes up to 600 tonnes is a joke,unsustainable and amounts to killing the goose that lays the golden egg.No matter when there gone the pro's will just move on to their next target species and do it all over again.The examples of this type of behavior far outway any examples of responsible commercial practices 100 to 1.We could on the other hand reduce rec bag limits to keep the cash rolling in
  4. Fished Sat am after the mechanical resto by Moggy and all was sweet,caught 25 squid and 17 blueys. cheers brenton
  5. They probably went out to sea through the mouth. cheers brenton
  6. They make good presents for people you don't like,just don't give them to a friend they'll think your an arsehole cheers brenton
  7. You know what i like about SH,its the fact you can write all the crap you want,take the piss or choose to respond in a childish and ignorant manner and after you sift through all of that you might still end up with some.. pearls of wisdom cheers brenton
  8. It just proves your a master baiter cheers brenton
  9. My limited understanding is when the first AR's were deployed it led to the decimation of snapper stocks on local grounds and all the natural habits were devoid of fish because they aggregated on the AR's and were easy targets to novice and pro alikeThis doesn't mean i'm against the deployment because they probably do increase biodiversity on some level but for a more succesful outcome there would either have to be a "lot" of them to spread out the fishing pressure or they would have to be placed in secret or distant locations to stop what has occurred in the past. cheer
  10. Phil is spot on with the Suffix 832,i use it for all my heavier braid applications and Sunline for the breaming. cheers brenton
  11. An old dutchy i was talking to awhile back reckons his son catches more gar in the boat on fly than he does on bait. cheers brenton
  12. An Okuma signature series would do both jobs in the 5-10kg range but better for the snapper or the Quantum energy rods rated 8kg but more like 6kg are great for flicking plastics... if you can find one. cheers brenton
  13. Well they have one advantage over the metals by having a slow sink rate which in some scenarios equals more time in the zone. cheers brenton
  14. a pelican on 6lb,peeled a heap of line and took flight on several occasions so i had to give chase in the boat.I eventually got it to the boat and got my lure back as well as a few spiteful pecks. cheers brenton
  15. They cop a bagging from some people and will always hit harder etc than glass but the Sportscab my mate has seems pretty good.He owns a metal fabrication business and has stated that he would do a few things differently but as long as you remember they are not invincible and you take it a bit easy in heavy seas they seem pretty good. cheers brenton
  16. I think the mag seal uses a special grease and i've been wondering how servicing is going to go and whether Daiwa are making it available to customers and tackle shops.Let us know how it goes fella. cheers brenton
  17. I went out this morning with a mate off nth haven to have a muck about with the snapper on S/P.There was a bit of swell running surprisingly which almost curtailed our plans but we decided to potter out to a ground not too far off and see what happens.We both caught a few ruggers early until some bigger models turned up and i managed a couple of bigger fish on plastic until it got swallowed so i swapped to bait and blew a real big fish.....as often happens that was the end of the action as the lost fish took the biggies away. cheers brenton
  18. the concept is ok but you lose all that you might gain by the blank not running all the way through to the butt of the rod,this puts all of said load on your arm because you cant straighten your arm and use the power of the rod.well thats what it looks like anyway. cheers brenton
  19. Projoe or fishnuts are the guys to talk to,other than that the shop in Pirie st in the city has probably the most gear.Wouldn't mind trying it myself sometime cheers brenton
  20. as Ranger said,very accurate but may not be worth your trouble once you master the spin gear.I saw some in at the SFS the other day,first time i've seen them about for a bit.They operate without a roller bearing and usually just retrieve the line over a pin so this can lead to a bit of line twist however the ones i used would be 20 odd years old now so things may have changed. cheers brenton
  21. The reel would probably be a shimano ci4 around 3000 size and the rod a 7'2 quantum energy 3-6kg. cheers brenton
  22. I agree,sure they are chinese but there has been a bit of extra development by the aust company that imports them.....i reckon they would make a tough whiting reel. cheers brenton
  23. A classic tale,no wonder your called bent. cheers brenton
  24. I use the simple FG knot for leaders and after using plenty its definately the best once mastered i finish it with 3 half hitches instead of 1 like in the vid and leave a small tag in the braidI also use 8lb braid (super pe) anything below that especially for a beginner will only end in frustration and lost fish and use 6lb leaders. cheers brenton
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