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Everything posted by rangfish

  1. That's a great way to christen the new reel Darren, With the line and rod all set up the reel looks even better.
  2. Looks like you went to some really good places and caught some really nice fish.
  3. Ive always used a simple Blood Knot for attaching my leader to my lures and flies it's held up against 40CM plus Bream and Snapper on 4Ib flurocarbon leader. You would do well to go down to your local tackle store and ask them to show you what knots they reccomend.
  4. That's a lovely looking reel, I like the look of the Abel reels just a bit out of my price range. :cheer:
  5. Really? Finns is all I use, I love the stuff, Never had a problem. I have used Rovex braid and I agree it is good stuff.
  6. Well Done Jack, They look awesome for your first crack at making Soft Plastics.
  7. Great work John, So intricate for such tiny flies. Well done/:)
  8. Ive flyfished for two years now and I love it. Like Marsone I flyfish on SAFWAA waters but I also am getting into chasing estuary species with the fly. It is definately worth it and I hope that you will get into it.
  9. What a bunch of smart assed scumbags, How dare they think they have the right to treat others like that. People like that sicken me! :sick: :angry:
  10. Great work Darren, They are ripper Snapper and even better that you got them on your fly outfit.
  11. G'day Snake, Whilst i'm not a snapper fisho myself, I do know that Pfleuger makes some excellent rods and so does Shimano.
  12. I know that but a Kingfish is a Kingfish.
  13. Heard of Lord Howe Island? The Kingies there come right up into the shalows, there is no reason why they wouldnt venture down into a pipeline in search of food.
  14. West Lakes has had some weird captures over the years and it doesn't suprise me that Kingies have been caught. And Sambo just because you have never seen one, it doesnt mean that they arent lurking around in there.
  15. No need to get smart about it, and no i don't beleive anything i hear! The reason why i put this post up was to see what everyone else had to say.
  16. Howdy Guys,I heard a rumour that there are supposedly Kingies in the lakes, not big ones but I was informed that they are there. Now what I would like to find out has anyone else heard about the odd Kingie lurking in there?
  17. I would go for the Stella, I love my Shimano and that is a reel that I would go for no questions asked. Whilst I haven't used a Stella myself it is one of Shimano's top reels and every Shimano reel I have used has never failed on me and are always reliable. But as when choosing any reel it comes down to preference and also what you are most comfortable with. But as Ranger said you can hardly go wrong with either.
  18. That is an incredible looking fly reel there Darren, the bonefish pattern looks so detailed and realistic.
  19. I think they own the whole area, or its private property.
  20. G'day there Keen Fisher, if i am correct i think that it is illegal to fish up there. It is all SA water owned property. I was told that they do patrols up there aswell.
  21. It's worth a try, ive used it before and didn't even get a nibble. But you never know you may have alot more success than I did.
  22. I would start practicing with the small flies, one of my bigger ones came back and hit me in the leg on the forward cast and OUCH! did that hurt.
  23. Thanks for the input guys, I really appreciate the help.
  24. I almost got that trophy off you last year and I will win that trophy some day. :cheer:
  25. G'day guys,I am looking at making my own lures but i am stuck as to what sort of equipment am i going to need to do this. And also where abouts can i get the equipment and materials from? Any help is much appreciated.Thanks.
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