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  1. The conditions weren't all that flash on this trip, very cold conditions and heavy fog topped off with ivy cold water made for a tough spin session.. Not one of my better trips to this beautiful stretch of river. cheers Adrian (meppstas)
    1 point
  2. This time last year I was catching 20 plus big browns a session. Now it's a total ghost town. Did two days for 1 fish. Didn't even see a rise. Will try a few different rivers but I think it's all going to be the same. Not really a fan of fishing the lakes. Have been looking forward to the trout season opening up this year. Might have to continue targeting big cod.
    1 point
  3. @Meppstas once again, thank you, beautiful areas you're fishing Yorky
    1 point
  4. Rybak

    Artificial gents

    I have used the artificial gents, white ones. They are a hit or miss scenario. Personally have had much better success with live gents or any small fish bits/cockle if no gents. Can use the flesh from a gar when you catch your first one. IMO not worth while. I generally try all sorts of new plastics, lures etc. etc so I know myself if any good.......but always revert back to fresh bait..
    1 point
  5. Hey mate are you having any problems with cormorants over there ? They've destroyed the eucumbene river atm. Someone told me it happens every 8-10 years. Thoughts ?? Cheers
    0 points
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