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Everything posted by fridge

  1. spot oni was actually gonna write up something earlierthe ozone scenario still grates meend user pays for alland i still question the rainforest trip,i remember the hammering about in primary school,bit of hippie era then i spose
  2. 71% is ocean14 % used to be rainforests and nowadays about 6% according to a quick google
  3. can somebody set me straight,what is or was the largest oxygen producer of the world,amazon and other type rainforests or the oceans.i always hear reference to rain forests but never about the briny.feel free to add other contributorsapologies for the hijack
  4. no professional would put themselves or their credibility on the line to falsify results or make up stories to suit their funder..."show me the money
  5. cant wait to see the your mummy kills animalsim still lmao
  6. fishing with a mate a couple of weeks back,blowing its guts out headed to snowdens,alas some one left the ignition key behind.
  7. with ya savage,im amazed the gov hasnt made it compulsory,think of gst revenue their not getting.didnt know they saw the shark in the last attack.numbers wiil increase as northern waters warm id sooner swim with a white in the water than a bull shark
  8. myself best was probably squid jag on the ear glad it wasnt a wirymate caught a cod by hand too,nice skeg mark on its back
  9. been quite happy with my silstar crystal pro power tip,even impressed a couple of charter operators for the cost,just over a $100 from memory its about 6'2" 6-10 kg 15-50 gram
  10. on the subject of one lure bleeding mullet for me
  11. didnt know there where any,how long they been their
  12. i do the same clay even to the extent of a dead lock on my door.
  13. strange how insurance companies and thieves fall into the same category.been screwed by both myself and i understand how you feel abf work for myself also.their was bloke who got his waeco or engel lifted from the back of his ute but planned ahead and had a gps doover fitted to it they tracked it down in less than 24 hours and got the mongrel.no insurance company required and one less bit of crap knocking stuff off.time to get off my bum and find out the cost of them things.post some pics if youve got any.half the crap i see at crime converters regarding tools seems to come from interstate i d
  14. holy shit.i know a few pros and the mentality is more beer in their fridge than the enemy ie othere pros.they dont give a fat rats arse about were the next lot of fish come from as long as they get it before someone else.its a catch 22 situation in regards to marine parks,bring em on.then i can take pleasure at them trying to sell their gear,licenses and watch em dilute their beer whilst they cry into it.some how i think i might be drinking somewhat alone next time i venture to kiwho cares they brought it on themselves and its us poor bastards and the rest of society who have to pay for it.if
  15. money go back into fishing lol:vomit: stop dreamin fellas
  16. i get safety glasses from boc,wear em all the time.$28.31 excluding gst.dont care about scratching at that price,after a big day on the briny its a bugger to see out of anything i reckon.its a tax deduction too and no tears if they fall over the side.
  17. had to google inox to find out.doh
  18. ive bee using crc tackleguard only.has anyone got any thoughts on thischeers
  19. brings new meaning to the word DIVERticulitis definitely not a pleasurable experience :pinch:
  20. cheers dubslooks like i'll put it to the test
  21. fridge


    animatedknots for sure grog has helped me many a time
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