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Everything posted by Wert

  1. Nope, what you saw was a zebra fish, cool fish but not the same thing. You can catch them pretty much anywhere there is rocks/reef in the shallows in SA.
  2. Size limits same if caught in SA, but for selling there isn't a size limit as such, it just matters they were legally caught or also if they're from aquaculture, you can get tiny Barra and Murray cod quite easily for example due to them coming from aquaculture and small snapper from interstate.
  3. Wert

    Ok J braid

    Difficult to say for sure but those loops sound like your line is too loose on the spool, this happens when fishing light lures and baits, try putting tension on the line every few casts and just be wary of any obvious loose loops before casting, hopefully that helps.
  4. Wert

    Ok J braid

    You didn't say what the actual problem was but if removing a little line fixed it you may just have been overspooled? There could be any number of reasons for having issues. Regardless jbraid is good line so I wouldn't have thought that the brand is your problem.
  5. Yeah, busy ramps suck. Thoughts? It is what it is, don't let it get to you instead work around the problem. Avoid peak times if possible, if you can't do that then go a little further, Snowdon's is a good ramp and basically empty all the time, with the time saved waiting in queues the extra 15 minutes or so travel to/from outer harbour is a non issue if you have the range plus as a bonus you can troll the channel edges with deep divers and maybe pick up a surprise mully, kingy or accidental big snapper, it's not likely to happen but certainly not impossible either, especially on
  6. Oh wait, I just worked out what you meant almost immediately after submitting my long winded response above. Yes, what you say is correct and I actually do just this on the one reel I have with a spare spool, well actually it's 2 reels I have which are the same plus a spare spool which I was able to acquire without the outrageous cost of spare spools these days (remember when reels just came with spare spools?). For these reels full line changes are a pleasure, being able to play musical spools makes the process so much easier, top ups and reversals etc however still needs some vari
  7. No need to match capacity you only need "enough" capacity (so having a much bigger spool for the reversing is fine) because the line will all end up on the reel you are spooling up in the end anyway. I assume you're thinking 2 extra fishing reels which would work if you have them, especially if you have overheads which would reduce twist but I just use 2 handlines myself. It's one for the line off the reel, the second to reverse it then you wind off that one back onto the reel, I use a pencil float/screwdriver/pen or similar held by my toes as a kind of axle to hold the handline or
  8. This exactly, it also works if you lose a bit of line for topping it back up and assuming you don't lose much line and do the bulk of your fishing pretty close (or from a boat) you can often get a 3rd and even 4th refresh by cutting away the worn used section and topping up. I use expensive 8+ carrier smooth and skinny braid but doing this makes it last forever and it has proven cheaper than back in my mono days over the long run barring mishaps. Honestly if you plan on fishing long term I'd recommend learning how to do everything yourself from snelling hooks and doing up your own ri
  9. Load up the braid first, tie on the backing and fill to the spool's capacity then reverse it, can't go wrong this way. It shouldn't take too long either and this way you get it perfect first go.
  10. They should be put in gaol. Selling them for $30 is one thing, still bad but at least you get reasonable value, ripping people off like that who likely don't know better is plain low, scumbags the lot of them.
  11. Nice work putting Bob in his place, clearly needed to have a lesson in manners, the upper gulf can be full of them this time of year, I've had up to half a dozen of the buggers between 3 to 7 foot visible circling in the burley (in the boat thankfully) at this same time of off Price. Bronzies around the 5-6 foot mark are 4 out of 5 times exceptional eating in my experience with a head and tail removed trunk of around a metre being ideal for turning into steaks and "fillets", Bob looked a little on the small side (tasty but soft v excellent texture but too much ammonia taste) and let's fa
  12. Nope, not in my experience anyway, got some a few months back when visiting Dad, 2nd time I've had them, could have been the best fish I've ever eaten. Agree our big ones in SA are hit and miss, they seem to smash the worms hard often at larger sizes and take on the flavour.
  13. Wert

    Best 3 Jigs

    Phwoar, the top and bottom ones are squid jag porn, I'm off to spend some money!
  14. Wert

    Best 3 Jigs

    My colour preference is basically the same as Kelvin's, Green being my favourite since I caught my first squid on a green jag 35 odd years ago and literally thousands since. MAH's selection wouldn't make me sad either, indeed I'd be confident of cleaning up with what he picked and the 3.0 size is the most versatile in my opinion also. As mentioned squid are pretty easy most of the time and will take any quality jag but small natural colours can make the difference in touchy squid in clear water and large bright ones seem better in murky conditions, some glow definitely seems advantag
  15. No way! Not one in all your fresh water fishing exploits? Damn things are everywhere and have suicidal tendencies when it comes to a hook attached to line. I reckon I've caught more of them than any other freshwater fish (best a measly 36cm in the torrens) and never once actually targeted them. I'm also pretty sure you've done more fresh water fishing than me (not difficult) so to me this is an achievement almost the equal of those monster reddies.
  16. Honestly I generally prefer to pay up for quality (but not necessarily super expensive) stuff, I've found that long term you win, quality gear, lures and accessories may look similar to cheaper stuff but they just function better (no weird sinking lures for example) and last so much longer. That all said cheap makes complete sense for a lot of your tinkering and that net looks the goods, for sure longer inserts would help but I don't see binding doing much and it may also be counterproductive due to potentially holding moisture and helping corrosion. Another solution you might consid
  17. I've used nail polish on stripped metals, works ok but you do need to try to keep your layers thin and give it plenty of time to set or it can end up soft, that it's already something you have access to and essentially free makes it totally worth it though.
  18. Seems to help I reckon, squid definitely like it too, had a tube pop open in a ziplock with my floats and the buggers were mauling my bobber while I was trying to catch some reefies from the rocks last summer, squid sometimes eat floats I know but this was ridiculous.
  19. Yeah the drag rating says that but I can assure you that the Penn has all the stopping power you'll ever need on a 7kg outfit you'd probably be good up to about 30lb, drag ratings are marketing as much as anything, though the Daiwa ATD is nice and a bit smoother than the penn HT100 (I fish them side by side often) 12kg is what you'd run for tuna and complete overkill. The weight is relevant for balance and on the old ugly stik is a heavy rod with heavy components so should balance up nicely with the extra weight, if it's one of the new carbon ones different story. The Penn is also bu
  20. Thanks for that bjorn. So not exactly bad news, just not the results they'd hoped for. Reading some of the other articles it seems others have had the same observations as I have, still I'm willing to trust the scientists and am all for a healthy fishery. My only concern is about the commercial sector, they're going to be propped up for the next 3 years then what? Open slather like before? Seems kind of crazy to go to all this effort only to trash everything again. I guess only time will tell.
  21. Just got a notification through the SA fishing app, surely this is a joke? Does anyone know if a.) This is for real? & b.) Was any alternative to full closure considered such as a reduced slot limit? Everytime I fish Spencer Gulf I get snapper bycatch, I like to fish reefy ground in shallow water 5-6m max for a mixed bag (also it's where I find the bigger KGs) and snapper up to 60cm can be thick at times, surely out in their actual territory they are doing ok? I'm not a scientist, I don't have the data but my personal experience tells me snapper are easier to catch now when
  22. I've only given them an in shop spin but they do seem nice, I also note that they have the quality drag system found on the higher end reels which is nice. I do have an exceller which is pretty similar and my only complaint is a bit of body twist under heavy load which my higher end reels don't have, not much but noticeable, I suspect the Laguna will be basically the same. At the price point though that or a Shimano will be good safe value. HOWEVER, even though I'm a real (reel?) Daiwa fanboy, at that $100 mark especially matched on an ugly stick for some all round dirty work, I
  23. Wert

    Snapper rod

    It's the 1 piece 6'9" 30-50lb one.
  24. Wert

    Snapper rod

    I picked up a Terez from Kuerschie earlier this year, I'm a Daiwa man but gotta say it's a beautiful stick, sensitive enough for whiting but powerful enough for decent eagle rays (so far) and hasn't snapped yet nor do I think it will unless I do some reckless highsticicking. Highly recommend.
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