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Squid Flaps

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Everything posted by Squid Flaps

  1. That's a great video Alex! Love the intro, good action and nice fishing skillz. Good on James for getting his first fish on fly.Keep 'em comin'.
  2. Cool vid Milmo! They really are cool creatures.
  3. Have you seen the Magpie Fiddler? You mean this one?
  4. im with brenton the bushy's is a great kg rod just wish they woulda used Fuji guides cheers 4THAThat's why i went with the KG Killa from Ray & Anne's. Fuji guides and reel seat plus the longer butt. Love it, great rod.
  5. Might try that on my missus. Soy sauce you say?
  6. I purchased a new graphite rod recently and the store loaded it up a few times to suss it out and then wrote on the receipt that it had been checked. This is done on all graphite rods sold before they leave the store so i assume it SOP now.
  7. Sad loss, he was a lovely man and an ornament to fishing in SA. I spent many an hour chatting with Rob and always made it a point to stop in and say g'day and buy something whenever i was down that way.I know his daughter Amanda and the family are shattered as you'd imagine. RIP Rob.
  8. Cappos had fresh Tommies for $6/kg whole.@jaffa, $28 plus change, someone's gotta fillet them, them you have the frames, so what's the recovery on a whole kg? Then operating costs.So they would need to double the wholesale price to stay in business.
  9. Well, that's apples and oranges. Seems about right then. They need to make a profit too i guess.
  10. That's whole KG not filleted right jaffa?
  11. Trevor, can you inform me on which file to ask for re the 8 inch plus RFL document, who to see about it and any pertinent chapters to read? I intend to pick up from where "Just Me" left off...Thankyou.
  12. Brilliant Jack and TB....oh the change is for his speeding fines and the bulk is new doors for the Adelaide oval dunnies...
  13. You have to enter a special bunker and walk through 10 inch metal doors like the ones at the opening credits of "get Smart" and then you shall find the file, right next to the 8 inch plus RFL file...Gotta ask why SARFAC/RFSA senior members don't communicate on forums like this to the people they claim to represent? Oh that's right, they couldn't run a brothel in an army camp.
  14. Totally agree with everything you've wrote U4L. 99 years is an insane commitment. I think 10-15 years is a fair trade for a $1m grant.
  15. Well said Knackers.Atavistically. Nice word kon. Had to look that one up. Added that to my vocab. Cheers.
  16. @Waspy. You are not a native of this country, Were you born to indigenous Australians? You are a descendant of migrants. Seems the fisheries act of 1971 that 4Tha posted has been over ridden by the High Court of Australia.
  17. "The federally funded Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement picked up the case "Seems like a Win-Win for all involved...I wish i could get in on these scams.
  18. I may have to take my Indigenous mate for a snapper fishing trip next week...
  19. Hahaha, the ninja cap protects me and i don't scare the sea life!I was given fair warning by 4tha to mind the language...We let a few little ones live on too Chief. Probably let four or five go free.If you read this Plankton, "spoof" is an Australian technical term used to denote Sperm.
  20. Got it from Sharron at Compleat Angler. "Frill Neck Caps" is the brand but have another for the missus which is identical named "adapt a cap" and seen another version at local tackle store for around $20.They really are a must in those conditions. I'd forgotten it last Friday and got burnt especially from the reflection off the water.Cheers.
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