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Moggy23 reacted to Meppstas in New fishing camera test..
Have just received my new camera for my fishing trips, I have upgraded from the Canon SX150IS camera which was still a great camera, I upgraded to a Canon SX620HS which is much smaller but has a bit more in reserve,, 20.2 megapixels & 25 times optical zoom and a host of different settings which I'm yet to tr, at the moment I'm using Auto mode. Just took a few in the river yesterday and a few at sunrise , bumble bee on Banksia flower and sunset tonight.
Misty start to the spin session with a couple of friends from a Victorian Fishing site.. Have a member from this site heading down this way in April too..
Tim & Jo on their first trip to Tassie.. Both had an enjoyable day in a river..
One of the browns I caught & released..
6:57 am this morning..
Common bee & bumble bee on the Banksia..
Bumble bee on a Banksia in the backyard..
Tonights unset at Sheffield..
Moggy23 reacted to Meppstas in Morning mist as sun rises..
Took these couple of photos yesterday not long after sunrise, was a little late getting the camera out and the sun burnt the mist off quicker than I could get out in the back yard..
Any way decided I'll use these as a test photo on the new upgrade.... Wow !! it's a quick upload which is great and much easier to use...
Moggy23 reacted to Meppstas in Two Winters of snow at Sheffield...
Here's a few photos of the 2015 & 2016 Winter snow we had here in Sheffield in July & August.. so far 2017 has given up any snow here but it has snowed just on 10 kms from Sheffield as well as a light layer on Mt.Roland here in Sheffield.. Not sure if we'll get any this year, but with a moth of Winter still to go anything can happen down here in Tassie..
Moggy23 reacted to Meppstas in Tasmanian Fungi...
more fungi from a trip to Loongana and a very small cluster of them inside of a hollow retaining wall block at home.. note the slug in there with them. I didn't notice it until I trimmed the photo..
One lonely fungi at Loongana..
Small fungi at home..
Moggy23 reacted to Meppstas in Tasmanian Fungi...
On my walk back to the car yesterday after a spin session in the Meander River (report to come soon) I came across a couple of Fungi something I love taking photos of.
The bottom photo of the fungi was taken on the side of a steep hill I had to crawl up to get back from the river up to the roadway before getting back to the car at the end of my fishing session..
Moggy23 reacted to Chief in Tasmanian Fungi...
Oooohhh the visions
What I see
But is that me
No its a bee
Might climb a tree
Is she a he or he a she
Dont really care there is no fee
Have another mushy whoopie
Might try n get a cod with my mate leigh
Have some fungi for my tea
Oooohh its time to grab some
Great pics as usual Adrian
Keep it up
Moggy23 reacted to Meppstas in Tasmanian Fungi...
With two months still to go before the trout season opens I go for walks in the rain forests looking for & photographing the variety of Fungi that grows in them. They only last a few days so it's a matter of being there at the right time.. Here's a few photos that I took last week....
Moggy23 reacted to Poppa Snake in Some governments seem to be working FOR their people
Saw an advert on free to air today so had a look on the web
"The State Government is committed to delivering its $46 million Target One Million plan for recreational fishing, which aims to grow participation to one million anglers by 2020.
To get more .........'s fishing, more often, Target One Million"
fill in the blanks....clue? not Sth Aust!
Sth Aust grubbermunts want lees fishers, less often catching less fish it seems.
My opinion. don't hate
Moggy23 reacted to gregtech in Weather moving in at sunrise..
Adrian, Tourism Tasmania should be slipping you a "sly one" for all the promotional shots you do for them . Must get down that way one day!!
Moggy23 reacted to Meppstas in Weather moving in at sunrise..
Here's a few photos from this morning as the weather changed from clear skies early before sunrise here in Sheffield..
Sunrise at Sheffield..
Morning mist as the weather moves in..
Weather moving in from the North West.
Heavy cloud building up fast..
Moggy23 reacted to Meppstas in Mirror image on glassy water...
Here's pic I took the other day while fishing a small river.. it's a real mirror image.. just a shame it was a dull overcast day..
Moggy23 reacted to doobie in Don't be conned out of your money.
Saw this post on CoastfishTV (on Facebook) about a guy (and possibly a female partner) that has been dwindling money and fishing gear out of people.
https://www.facebook.com/CoastfishTV/?fref=nf (for those on FB, you may have to scroll down for this particular post, although atm it is staying near the top with all the comments)
I think he is interstate and may have been happening for many years, so putting this info up for all, especially our interstate members.
So be wary of buying anything from unknown people as you don't want to say goodbye to some some hard earned cash.
The following are some names he has gone by but there are of others as well.
WARNING Be wary of this fella especially if you intend on purchasing fishing gear. This person goes by several names on various fishing forums and Instagram including 'Daiwafreak' 'Jack Williams' 'Billy Johnson' 'John Johnson' 'Jett' 'Billy' 'Jigman72' 'Lure Junkie Jack hunter'. He even decided to contact me!
Some of the claims being made by victims are:
Takes you out fishing (several trips in some cases) and offers to sell you highly discounted Daiwa fishing rods and reels which he will personally deliver after you have paid him. Then he disappears with your money.
States he has cancer and uses this fabrication and emotionally charged sickness to exploit victims for both goods and money.
Borrows fishing equipment and then disappears.
Shuts down and reopens Facebook pages and Instagram accounts.
He may also provide you with a contact number. This number is disconnected. He will claim he is out of range if you message him about the number not working.
Unfortunately a number of fishos have fallen victim to this con mans antics. Be vigilant when purchasing fishing tackle from an unreputable seller and use all safe avenues when making your transaction. If you have been a victim of this person please let us know and I will endeavour to have it followed up. PLEASE SHARE.
Moggy23 reacted to Poppa Snake in Considering Going Barbless
geez I clicked on this in record time.....thought it said BRALESS
sorry I can't help with your query but one of the lads surely will
Moggy23 reacted to Meppstas in Rain give the bees a lift...
Finally we have had a bit of rain here today and it's brought the bees out collecting honey, Bumble Bees & native bees were busy on a variety of plants a while ago..
I had time to get a few quick pic's before the rain moved in again.. hoping we get a lot more to give the rivers a lift and bring the trout on..
Bumble bees...
Native bee... head buried into Banksia..
Common bees..
Rain clouds.. great to see..
Moggy23 got a reaction from jaffa in crossing st vincent gulf
Long range weather forcasts is what you'll be watching and generally up to 15 knts is great and crossing the gulf shouldn't be problem for you, once it gets up to 25 knts it becomes a slower trip, even in a 23 footer.One of the legal requirements is to have Admiralty charts for these sorts of adventures, study them for reefs, sand bars and any low water areas and plot your journey.Then you need to know were you can anchor in protected water if the wind picks up too much for safe passage, Edithburgh, Marion Bay, behind Haysack Is, Althorpe Is, Pondalowie Bay and Wedge itself. The waters from Marion Bay past Althorpe Is can really stand up with the currents and winds. Then were you can get supplies from if needed, like Edithburgh and Marion Bay.Reliability of your cruiser and servicing is to be consideredFuel range of your boat.Log on to the coastguard with your VHF radio.These are just some basics I can think of and all things concidered, you should have a good trip and doing the short runs would be fun.What sort of 23 footer do you have.
Moggy23 reacted to Meppstas in Moon setting in morning fog..
Took this photo this morning, didn't come out all that good as I only used my small Canon camera that I use for trout fishing..
Didn't have time to grab my good camera and set it up as the moon was setting too fast at the time.. May get up early tomorrow and see what it's like.
Moggy23 reacted to Meppstas in Where is this?
I reckon he's fished there before and knows the area pretty well.. has to be very keen and a good fishing spot too..
Moggy23 reacted to Poppa Snake in so you want a rec fishing license?
whilst i respect your opinions and your right to air them I hardly think "Bahahaha, thats the dumbest thing I've watched all day." is putting it sweetly
As for other licenses plenty drive without one & unregistered, I am in a trade industry and there are plenty of "tradies" doing cash jobs with no invoice, no GST and no COC so that is working. I cannot see every rec fisher paying for a RFL and those that get caught will get numerous warning like they do now for undersize crab brigade.
There was, as at Jan 2016 $6 mill from the boat levy supposed to be spent to upgrade facilities sitting doing nothing that could be used for the things you say.
I am NOT totally against the RFL but worried what they want to do with info gathered
ps - Mods if this turns into a shit fight please delete whole post and I will end my membership as I am only supplying info for members to ponder
Moggy23 reacted to BarneyB in so you want a rec fishing license?
The rec fishing licence is being pushed by the pro fishers to parliament.. Anyone think they are doing it for our good?
Moggy23 reacted to Chief in so you want a rec fishing license?
I love the RFL - Riverland Football League
Cant wait