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Everything posted by jackmac

  1. Simple answer is that the gar just wernt on.I have been fishing for 45 years and my best advice I can give you is to just persist.If I had a dollar for every fishless night I spent chasing mulloway in the port through the seventies and eighties I would be a richer man.Now days when ever I step onto a boat I do so with the utmost confidence.
  2. Bread crumbs,curry powder,garlic,tuna oil,semolina,bran,chilli powder,..
  3. Looks like my wifes sunday roast and six other ingredients.
  4. Caught a lot of them around the old Rapid bay jetty,they are very nice eating.
  5. Early this year we dragged all sorts around KI with a few hook ups but it wasn't until I gave a 4 inch soft plastic swim bait with the built in weight a go that those hook ups became more frequent,some up to 50kilo.They were feeding on massive schools of white bait so we tried to match the hatch.
  6. You will have to get friendly with my younger brother the boat is his I just get the pleasure without the cost.It comes out of the water tomorrow for a barnacle scrape a cut and polish and a brand new side scan 3d sounder fitted.To many$$$$$ for my liking,but worth every cent.A bit different to the 12 ft tinney and the 5hp seagull we started fishing together in many years ago.
  7. Hoping to spend 4 to 5 days cruising the west coast of KI if the weather is permitting.
  8. When crossing the gulf I always drag a paravane at around 6 to 7 nts with good results, most of that trip is around the fourty to fifty ft mark.Im old fashioned so prefer the paravane but I have tried large deep divers in pilchard patterns with some success.Basicly if its not in that bottom 15 ft they don't seem to get hit,
  9. Drive a little further to a small town called Price it is the best kept secret in SA for small boats.It is very tidal but has a couple of channels that stay deep on the low.I started fishing this spot in the late 70s and still try to get there at least once a year.On the run out I would use a heavy running rig with half a pillie and just about every bait would be hit by average to large salmon.Just to list a few of the fish I have caught in this spot.Salmon, eagle ray,The biggest flathead I have ever seen (please put them back they are the breeders) big snook, tommies,small sharks,yellow fin,
  10. I would like to see this state introduce a licence system and have it run by a fishing body elected by the people and not this useless bloody government.What NSW has done building new reefs and opening fresh water catchments to the public is outstanding and worth every penny.
  11. What a lovely spot to fish and I never get tired of the oysters either.Those spots you mention are all known kingfish haunts and can often be seen smashing schools of gar.Putting in the time is the key and the hotter the weather the hotter the bite.An outgoing tide creates the perfect natural burley stream and this is when I find the best time to focus my time chasing those big balls of muscle.Good luck....
  12. Hoping to spend some time in early spring around Wedge Island chasing big flatties off the beaches and anything else that will take a bait or lure.
  13. I'm showing my age here.I used to go to the fish markets and buy gar fish fillets for around $1.50 a kilo and turn them into an esky full of snook. I would use 3 1/0s ganged on 20lb line with no weight.With the wind to your back cast as far past the light as possible (at night) and a very slow retrieve pausing to let it sink.This method worked well on the old Rapid bay jetty, Wallaroo and Port Vic.Good luck
  14. First they said it would take around 30 years to rid the river of carp with the virus now they are worried about oxygen depletion form a massive die off.Which one is it?Can we trust these idiots with our river,i think not.I hope they are basing their decision on more study and research then they did before they introduced the no take zones.
  15. Plenty of whiting and squid on the western side of the gulf in the shallows.
  16. Yeh Brenton I thought 6 was a bit much I have seen it before it usually is in the bigger ones.My pet hate is people that go fishing and only take ice for their beer.I always use a ice slurry and having an ice machine on board makes it easier to keep it refreshed.Lets just say we were 60km due west of North Haven.
  17. Had a good session on the whiting the other day and bagged out on large 40 to 45cm whiting,when I filleted them I noticed 6 of them had very white and creamy looking flesh with several hard lumps almost like tumors.Has anyone else experienced this and are they safe to eat?
  18. What a great story.I will have mine scattered around Rapid Bay where I did a lot of fishing as a teenager in the 70s.
  19. They expect the birds to remove a large portion of the dead carp.My father always told me about the days when you could climb a tree and watch big cod swim by.It would be great to see the bottom again.
  20. A great way of getting those fillets nice and dry before smoking is to place them on a rack and use a small fan.It works a treat.
  21. Try smoking with tea.This goes great with tuna or any other fish for that matter.
  22. So you are one of those people wasting tax payers money on stupid uni courses that go nowhere.I bet you are doing an arts degree next.
  23. They do seem to march as the tide moves but you will still pick up a feed on most tides if you are in the right place at the right time.
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