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Everything posted by brenton

  1. So where do i buy them in SA?? cheers brenton
  2. Yeah its obvious they should be culled,well it was even obvious about 7 or 8 years ago now there are about 10 penguins left down from thousands and nothing will be done until they are all gone....great work DEWNR time for a meeting. cheers brentonp.s i guess i'll give the creek a miss
  3. Doesn't look right to me,probably incompetance trying to tail rope it and it got away and tangled itself on the bouy or divers because you couldn't lift the bouy to tie it there from a boat. cheers brenton
  4. Anything with fins....except for that scuba diver i hooked at hughes jetty.He was pretty unreasonable and wanted to punch my head in. cheers brentonP.S if your reading this mate you scream like a girl
  5. yeah i'd like to try it some time but i reckon my shoulder might give out before the fly hits the water. cheers brenton
  6. http://i.ebayimg.com/16/!Bh1p,YQ!Wk~$(KGrHqEH-CkEsLWoOi3GBLLLFChg(w~~_3.JPG cheers brenton
  7. If you go to Bunnings they have these black Rubber door mats for about 7 dollars each,they don't lock together but don't move around at all, i have 9(80bucks) of them covering the floor of my boat and have done for around 10 years.Quick rinse back at the ramp and bobs your uncle. cheers brenton
  8. I doubt it but you made me laugh anyway. cheers brenton
  9. Yeah he looks pretty ham fisted to me but he's living the dream so i watch for now. cheers brenton
  10. A fun vid Alex,good to see you measuring all those fish cheers brenton
  11. yeah go the 6lb mate,if you can tie a knot its pretty hard to break anyway.I used normal mono though as i find the vanish a bit twisty. cheers brenton
  12. I've done them in a salt slurry in the fridge which keeps in the moisture,just keep checking them until your happy because it varies depending on how much salts in your slurry. cheers brenton
  13. Yep salting pillies in a brine does work but you need to get it right,if they are salted too long they go like leather.I'd do a few tests before you go to get it right or use fresh gar. cheers brenton
  14. If you can get the kegs the you can have both by joining the two kegs together with a short length of downpipe(around 50cms)one above the other,the one with the flame is your hot smoker then the second one is your cold smoker,have a look on the net and you'll get the idea its easy as. cheers brenton
  15. I use an old clothes drying cabinet but started out using an old tea chest i reckon a keg would work fine as long as you have a small flame to smoke rather than cook your fillets.Cold smoking takes up to 5 hrs but is dependant on how dry the fillets are when put in the smoker and of course how big they are.Fillets off a size S/T will take aroun 3-6 hrs cold smoked and 15 mins hot smoked.Cold smoking for me all the way plus you can do squid, beef etc and they'll keep for a lot longer than hot smoked food.......except you'll eat them all before that is a problem. chee
  16. There is a spooled up daiwa freams on site atm,that might be worth a look. cheers brenton
  17. I wouldn't eat them personally but there is a big market for them at the sydney fish markets so someone is.Enjoy cheers brenton
  18. Shimano Symetre 4000 and 20lb braid would see you right if your dunking baits,if lures and a graphite rod i'd go the 3000 and 15lb braid. cheers brenton
  19. I fished the local beaches with bait a few years ago and it was pretty disappointing exceptfor some small hammerheads,I believe the creek charters leave a bit to be desired as well. cheers brenton
  20. Like this off BM http://www.breammaster.com/forum/showthread.php?p=559466#post559466 cheers brenton
  21. Good luck with that,i find cheap lures are crap unless your buying 2nd hand better quality lures. cheers brenton
  22. S/Ts near the Jervios Bridge and W/Ls for the bream
  23. Myself and a mate got out limit of S/Ts this morning(they are getting bigger)and i got around 8 bream yesterday on HB.Both sessions LB. cheers brenton
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