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Everything posted by archerfish

  1. Can we do jocks and boxers, as well?
  2. Saw them at BCF a few months ago - dunno whether they still have them. They were going out for $24.95 at the time.Cheersaf
  3. Remind me again...what was that sage advice about some lures designed to catch more fishermen than fish?I rate that one an 11 on the 10-scale wankometer... :whistle:
  4. Was just reading the TV Guide from the Sunday Mail and noticed this show is on next Tuesday (first one was appparently on last week).http://www.sbs.com.au/documentary/program/1241http://www.sbs.com.au/sbs2Did anyone see last week's episode and was it worth watching?Cheersaf
  5. TBMore info on MSC Certification in WA Fisheries:http://frdc.com.au/stories/Pages/Westerm-Australia-takes-lead-on-fisheries-certification.aspx
  6. G'day w2bfIf you decide to buy "off the shelf" instead of building your own, this mob have a fairly good reputation (and the prices aren't too bad at the moment, either):http://www.hark.com.au/I believe there are a few users of these smokers on this site, so hopefully they may be able to offer some feedback.Cheersaf
  7. "Sea Fishes of Southern Australia" rate them 2 stars out of a possible 4 - so, although they are edible, there are probably many other species that rate higher on the taste scale.And no, they're not protected or subject to size or bag limits.Cheersaf
  8. Eaglies rate only "fair" for eating quality in most of my reference material.However, I went to a WEA Course quite some time ago titled "Is there fish beyond Whiting?" done by a guy called Justo del Amo. He cooked up some Skate wings which were bloody brilliant.I have attached the recipe.CheersafSkateinOrangeBrandySauce.pdfP.S. While I enjoyed it, there are still a lot of our fishy friends that I would rate further up the scale.
  9. P.S. I bought a spike from this site quite some time ago, if anyone is interested:http://www.strikebacktackle.com.au/store/TackleAndBoat.asp?cat=3&DocumentID=21Excellent service, by the way...Cheersaf
  10. For those of you who practise "iki jime", you might find this site helpful:http://www.ikijime.com/www/
  11. Thanks for the heads-up, fellasMight save myself a bit of hard-earned and give it a miss this year... :whistle:
  12. http://www.fishingcairns.com.au/page3-2.htmlhttp://www.fishingportdouglas.com.au/
  13. P29Apparently the ultimate satisfaction is DIY, but I've heard it takes a fair bit of practice to get it right...There are any number of good rod builders around (repeat this mantra: "The 'Search Button' is your friend"!) - they will give you a good idea of what can be achieved and will possibly inspire you to set off on your own journey.As for me, my only experience with this was when I replaced all the guides on an "el cheapo" Jarvis Walker fibreglass rod as an exercise when I was a little tacker many moons ago - for what I thought was a satisfactory result, and I enjoyed the experience.Now
  14. Hi Phil29Forgive me if this sounds like a stupid question, but why aren't you starting with a reasonably-priced blank which suits your requirements and working up from there?Cheersaf
  15. Congolli/Tupong are indeed the same fish...I reckon it's some sort of Goby, but I haven't consulted my "Heavy-duty" references yet to confirm.If all else fails, we can always try this guy:http://australianmuseum.net.au/staff/mark-mcgrouther(have had helpful dealings with him in the past).Cheersaf
  16. "A new FRDC website aims to provide the answers seafood consumers have been craving for more than a decade, namely how to choose, buy, handle and prepare seafood."http://www.fishfiles.com.au/Pages/default.aspx
  17. Dr Ben Diggles has recently put up a rather interesting article on the "Fishing World" website regarding "bumps" on snapper:http://www.fishingworld.com.au/news/fish-facts-snapper-bumps-and-other-mysteriesCheersaf
  18. Hey ShimsManYou might like to check out this previous thread:http://www.strikehook.com/forum/22-saltwater-fishing/218395-robe-spots?start=15#222376Cheersaf
  19. Good post, b2fI'm sure there are some worthy SA nominations, so go for it S&Hers...Cheersaf
  20. From the "Fishing World" website:http://www.fishingworld.com.au/news/rex-hunt-to-front-keep-australia-fishing-rally-this-weekend
  21. Welcome aboard, HWNice toona in your avatar, mate...
  22. Anyone actually landed a sambo on a "Waxwing" yet?
  23. Previous thread here, trouthunter:http://www.strikehook.com/forum/35-bait-tackle/183661-filleting-knives#183733
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